Sunday, 20 November 2011

Ravva Upma with less calories

If we select less calorie and more nutrients food for breakfast is best, though Ravva upma contains less calories, due to lot of nutrients , body will be active up to lunch time, the Ravva Upma can be prepared us usually and simply

Ravva Upma contains proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, and ‘B’ vitamins abundantly, Ravva contains more sodium content and no Cholesterol, some Ravva available in the market contains, iron, folic acid and other nutrients

Bell Pepper

There are lot of healthy ingredients in capsicum, it is all called as Bell pepper, regularly green capsicum is available in our markets, but due to  present shopping malls and super markets yellow and red capsicum also available

Vitamin ‘C’, vitamin’B’ ,vitamin ‘E’ and folic acid are abundantly available in these in capsicum, one cup of capsicum will supply the vitamin ‘C’ required for the day, they can also contain beta carotene and enzymes  ,will supply anti oxidants to the body, these can protect body from cancer, there is no fat in capsicum, it can be used as in salads and as baked food also

Friday, 11 November 2011

Mother milk is ambrosia

First blessings to the child is giving birth ,second is feeding with breast milk, only  mother can give this blessings to the child, there are lot of benefits for breast milk

There is no necessary to hot or cold the breast milk directly can be feed to the child, by knowing the hunger of the baby immediately can feed the breast milk

There are all the necessary nutrients in the breast milk to grow the child, the mother and child relation will be tightned due to feeding the breast milk

Experts says Child death rate is less in the babaies who feed  with breast milk ,the breast milk to the baby feed by the mother in first three days have good immunization to the baby to protect from the deceases

There is less possibility to the babies in getting diarrhea, allergies, breathing , excess weight, teeth problems, constipation by  feeding by breast milk

Breast milk contains more enzymes that help to the baby in digestion, they show the influence on the behavior also said by the recent analysis

Due to feeding the breast milk, the stamina will come by dissolving the fat in the body that will decrease weight of the mother gained the excess weight in pregnancy

By feeding breast milk there is less opportunity in getting breast cancer in the mothers

Due lot of benefits with breast milk so breast milk is ambrosia

Beauty with Banana

Let us see that there are lot of uses cheaply available Banana

Dry skin: table spoon of honey mixed with the same quantity of the banana pulp , make as paste and cover paste to  the face as mask with the mix for twenty minutes ,then wash with water and sprinkle some rose water on the face ,by doing the same process daily to get away from the dry skin

Pigmentation: to reduce the pigmentation power rub the fully ripped banana pulp daily to reduce the pigmentation

Wrinkles gone: one table spoon oil, honey and banana pulp then add two table spoons of oats powder with coconut oil  and mix them thoroughly, then rub the mix to the face and keep it for twenty minutes , then wash the face with water , then silky skin is yours

Healthy coconut water

Year wise any place any time a available is coconut water is ambrosia bowl,
Coconut water is useful for the body From hairs to the foot in the body, coconut water is useful to the every part of the body, coconut water is helpful in increasing the body work and support immunization and also help for the digestion, by consuming coconut water minimum three days  in a week, coconut water are also useful it can also used for natural moisturizer by using coconut water we can increase the shining of the skin, coconut water is good for removing oily skin , coconut water can remove white and black spots initially, this coconut water can be available 365 days in the year 24 hours and 30 days in the month, all the best with coconut water

Stop ulcer with cucumber

There may be in getting burning sensation in stomach chances those people who does not take food in time, those troubles can also become as chest burning, the hydrochloric acid in the stomach to digest the food, due to non taking of food the acid will form in the stomach and that lead to the burning sensation, this also may turn to chest burning, do not keep stomach as  empty, eat some thing for every two hours , if it is not possible take oats like food  this will digest slowly in the stomach and other alternative is cucumber juice, cucumber have the strength to through away the hydrochloric acid from the stomach, stomach burning can be removed by taking one glass of cucumber juice daily, this will reduce the burning sensation in the stomach

Onion Doctor

Onion is the most powerful vegetable, they can make to release from you while cutting them and they can also dismantle the Govt and the leaders also, that is the power of Onions

Onion is best for digestion, heart, joints, eyes, the sulfur, chromium and vitamin C will reduce several deceases, and colds, diabetics, heart pains and austrio sorosis also can be reduced by consuming the onions

The disulphide, tri sulphides , sesame, vinyl dithene , anti cholesterol, anti cancer, antibacterial qualities are found  in the onions, it is the upper hand to reduce the heart troubles, the cuie cetin anti oxidant protect the tissues, vitamin E help to re generate the tissues, and it also fight with the eye, chest, lungs, heart deceases,

By consuming the dry one gram of onion daily for four weeks the density of the minerals will increase in the bones, onions will increase the memory power and reduce the colds, by eating, or consuming onion juice or even hang on the next like chain  they will reduce the colds and phlegm, ayurvedam says that warts  and tissues pains also reduced

For children colds tight some pieces of onions cuts in a cloth or by keeping them next to the pillow of the child is suffering from colds may get the good results, still people in some places, by using the boiled onions in a cloth and put them on the wounds to reduce  the pain and wound.  By putting the cutting piece of onion on the bee bite will reduce the swelling.

For throat infection also onion with joggery will reduce the infection in the throat, so even mother may not do the things which onions are doing

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Tips for milk-teeth

We are facing lot of troubles in teeth in children ,we have to take some steps to safe the teeth of children

Wipe the gums with cotton or soft cloth daily twice  before teeth are coming

Wipe the gums after taking milk or food

Start brushing in between 2 to 3 years with soft brush on teeth and gums, supervise the brushing while they are from the age of 3 onwards

Practice brushing teeth twice morning and night before going to bed by all the family members, it is must to brush the teeth before going to bed

If we cannot take necessary steps for teeth safe guard, any paste could not help you

Ask to children to clean the mouth after taking food , make it practice

It is better to feed with breast instead of milk with bottle,

Minimize the the sweet food with the children and do not allow them to drink cool drinks, they will damage the enamel on the teeth

Get medical check up with dentist after two years , from then onwards check up with doctor for every year

Heart (beet)root

The nutrients says  that eating natural fruits and vegetables are best for the health, in that list of vegetables beetroot is one of the best vegetable in the market

Nitrates are available abundantly in the beetroot, they will turn to nitride oxides and will increase the  flow of  blood , by that the clotting of blood in the vessels may not occur

Check your blood pressure after 3 hours of  consuming beetroot juice, you will find the decrease of blood pressure, due to that the depression may be decreased

By consuming beetroot juice before running by the athletes, they will consume less oxygen, so that they may not feel tiresomeness

A recent analysis says that by consuming 400 ml of beetroot juice by the aged people for two days, there is a difference of blood flow in the brain and that leads to sharpen the brain

Healthy salads

Fruits are the best, proteins, carbohydrates ,minerals, sugar, power, fiber are the main ingredients for taste, by mixing different types of fruits, we are providing lot of required nutrients to the body

The seasonal fruits are the best for that season to provide necessary nutrients to the body, by mixing the seasonal fruits  to the regular available fruits in the morning for breakfast will provide complete meal to the body, by consuming the fruits in the morning, maximum benefits are available with the fruits said by the ayurvedam

Fruit salad is the best alternative for the breakfast, by adding at least four varieties of the fruits in the breakfast for more benefit, select fresh fruits

By mixing the curd with fruit salad ,it will become more delicious and the calcium contents may be increased

Clove medicinal scent

The Eujenol chemical  in the clove have lot of medicinal and nutritional values, it is the anti dote for phlegm

For teeth pain by keeping a clove in the mouth will remove pain fastly and it also remove bad smell from the mouth and keeps the mouth fresh

Boil water with some cloves and by consuming that water, digestion, giddiness, vomiting, and tiresomeness will be eradicated, not only that it will also  reduce the flue, colds, sinusitis, asthma, cough, bronchitis

By keeping a piece of cotton dipped in clove oil on gums and teeth the pain will be removed fast

To reduce the burning sensation in the chest consume  some sugar, two or three cloves with cold water

Add some drops of clove oil on cur chief and inhale it to reduce the cold

The anti oxidants in the cloves will protect the body from pre radicals from cancer, heart deceases, diabetes, arthritis and alzimars

Eat water

The doctors says that minimum 8 glasses water to be consumed daily, but how for we are doing this , if the necessary water will not given to the body, the weakness will come, fat contents are increased and  dehydration may follows, the remedy is consume food that have lot of water contents

20 percent of water is in our regular food, by consuming vegetables and fruits the contents of the water  increased

One kg papaya contains 250 ml water contents, two cups of Water melon pieces 225 ml water is available

Cucumber, musk melon and tomato contains 90 percent of water contents, curd, milk, and soups will also supply water to the body 

Instead of water and juices it is better to take  gruel, may have lot of benefits to the body

Reduce salt in the foods if not the sodium will take lot of water contents to form liquid in the body

Friday, 23 September 2011

Pomegranate protect the skin

 Red shiny Pomegranate seeds are beneficial for health in several ways, it will decrease inflammation and protect from the pre radicals, it will reduce the heart deceases and also protect from cancer
 By scoring with knife we can brake it and open it, the arils (seeds) are separated from the peel, the arils are washed can be eat as it is or it can be make it as juice
 Pomegranate will show the result in and outer skin, the ellagic acid in this fruit will protect the skin from sun rays, due to the sun rays the collagen in the skin will decrease, due to this the pre ageing will appear on the skin, so pomegranate will protect the skin  the collagen acid in the pomegranate from sun rays, while buying  skin care products check that collagen  acid is there in the contents of the cosmetic

Good eye sight with milk shakes

 Milk is the complete food there is no alternative for this, we need not worry about the calories when we are using the low calorie milk, milk contains calcium, proteins, a & B vitamins ,carbohydrates, zinc, prosperous, potassium and riboflavin , all these elements are best for bones, teeth and for skin also, they assure the best eye sight and pulse rate, the proteins in the milk development of muscles

Hand-blended  milk shakes can be made with different fruits like apples, bananas ,pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, oranges and with mangoes in summer season

Ayurvedam says that by consuming milk daily you can postpone ageing and the body will be healthy, by taking low calorie milk daily ,you feel your belly is full and there is no need of more calories to the body, so you may not feel hungry in meantime  of lunch if you mix with fruits and make milk shakes it will effect more on the best health

Cabbage benefits are unlimited

Though cabbage looks nice to see, but we may not like the smell of the cabbage, but the uses are plenty with cabbage

Cabbage protects from free radicals those which are dangerous to the body , it will also helps to create enzymes in the body those are important to detoxification

Cabbage is having the qualities abundantly to stop the Lungs, chest, colon prostate cancers

Cabbage works as Muscle builder, blood cleanser  and eye strengthener

Raw cabbage juice is best to remove the ulcers in the chest , it will also works excellently on fungal infections

Cabbage is having lot of Sulphur and Iron minerals

Cabbage is having the substances  to  increases the enzymes of Anti oxidants, detoxification, these are more available in red cabbage than the green cabbage

Red cabbage is having the Anthocianin anti oxidant , this will protect the brain cells and also protects from alzheimer’s

Red cabbage is having  Vitamin C more than 8 times  than in  green cabbage

Sun Flower seeds lot of bowl of nutrients

Though the sunflower oil have less calories and there are countable nutrients are there in the sun flower seeds, plenty of  powerful anti oxidants and Vitamin E available in  sun flower seeds

Brain  cells and cell layers are protected by the anti oxidants from the free radicals, vitamin E is  having anti inflammatory contents they influence on asthma, austio arthritis and vitamin E is helping in reducing the danger of colon cancer also.

The intensity of the hot flushes will be reduced their regular attacks  in monopage stage by consuming the sun flower seeds

Sun flower seeds are protecting heart deceases from the cholesterol and sun flower seeds are e boon for  the heart, they will remove the  stickled fats in the blood tubes , they will protect the artery tubes from closing and clouting the blood in artery tubes, by consuming a first full of sun flower seeds daily can avoid all these heart  troubles

Now a days less cholesterol foods products are available in the market, but , the natural alternatives are available to us, they reduce the cholesterol in the body and they immune the body from the deceases , sun flower seeds are the best in all the other seeds available to us