Thursday, 10 November 2011

Tips for milk-teeth

We are facing lot of troubles in teeth in children ,we have to take some steps to safe the teeth of children

Wipe the gums with cotton or soft cloth daily twice  before teeth are coming

Wipe the gums after taking milk or food

Start brushing in between 2 to 3 years with soft brush on teeth and gums, supervise the brushing while they are from the age of 3 onwards

Practice brushing teeth twice morning and night before going to bed by all the family members, it is must to brush the teeth before going to bed

If we cannot take necessary steps for teeth safe guard, any paste could not help you

Ask to children to clean the mouth after taking food , make it practice

It is better to feed with breast instead of milk with bottle,

Minimize the the sweet food with the children and do not allow them to drink cool drinks, they will damage the enamel on the teeth

Get medical check up with dentist after two years , from then onwards check up with doctor for every year

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