Thursday, 10 November 2011

Eat water

The doctors says that minimum 8 glasses water to be consumed daily, but how for we are doing this , if the necessary water will not given to the body, the weakness will come, fat contents are increased and  dehydration may follows, the remedy is consume food that have lot of water contents

20 percent of water is in our regular food, by consuming vegetables and fruits the contents of the water  increased

One kg papaya contains 250 ml water contents, two cups of Water melon pieces 225 ml water is available

Cucumber, musk melon and tomato contains 90 percent of water contents, curd, milk, and soups will also supply water to the body 

Instead of water and juices it is better to take  gruel, may have lot of benefits to the body

Reduce salt in the foods if not the sodium will take lot of water contents to form liquid in the body

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